Preventing fire events by rediscovering and extending Deep Learning methods
R&D Project - National
  • Contact person: Giorgos Giannopoulos
  • Start date: 04-08-2022
  • Duration: 18 months
  • Programme: Επιχειρησιακό Πρόγραμμα «ΑΤΤΙΚΗ» 2014 – 2020 ΑΞΟΝΑΣ ΠΡΟΤΕΡΑΙΟΤΗΤΑΣ (Α.Π.) 01: «Ενίσχυση των Μηχανισμών και των Επενδύσεων των ΜΜΕ της Περιφέρειας Αττικής στην Έρευνα και την Καινοτομία» ΘΕΜΑΤΙΚΟΣ ΣΤΟΧΟΣ 01: «Ενίσχυσης της Έρευνας, της Τεχνολογικής Αν
  • Funding: 332k
  • IMSI funding: 95k
  • Project webpage:
PREFERRED develops novel ML and DL methods for the next-day fire risk prediction, as well as smart analytics and visualization interfaces on top of them. The project will incorporate its results into decision support platform that will be directly exploitable by disaster management stakeholders (fire service, civil protection, NGOs) in the prevention and management of fire events.