Storing and querying M-XML documents using relational databases Full text

Ionas Iona
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NTUA
Diploma Thesis
Abstract. The object of this diploma thesis is the research and implementation of an application that manages MXML documents using relational databases and allows navigation in them through MXPath queries. Multidimensional-XML (MXML) is an extension of XML suitable for representing data that assume different facets under different contexts, which are determined by assigning values to a number of dimensions. In other words, MXML is suitable for representing multidimensional semistructured data, that is semistructured data the value and structure of which depend on the context. Similarly, Multidimensional-XPath (MXPath) query language is an extension of XPath, which is suitable for navigating in MXML documents and allows context-aware querying.